Every person who conducts business under a name other than their own legal name, needs to get a DBA license. DBA stands for “Doing Business As.” And, there are several benefits you get by filing a DBA.
If you are Sole-Proprietor:
Filing a DBA allows you to have a business name that identifies what your business does. For example, a painter would be able to file a DBA to operate under the business name “Los Angeles Painting Services.” The painter would now be able to advertise under this business name, open bank accounts under the business name and much more.
If you have a Corporation or LLC:
Filing a DBA allows you to operate several businesses under different names without having to setup a new Corporation or LLC for each name you operate under. For example, this would be helpful for businesses that have several different locations with different names for each location. This saves the business lots of money when compared to opening a Corporation or LLC for each different name or location.
Call Fast Tax Services today to file your DBA in as little as 24 hours.